Organizing Committee
Member | Affiliation |
Sven Beuchler | University of Linz |
Alfio Borzi | University of Graz |
Martin Burger | SFB F013 & University of Linz |
Heinz Engl | Johann Radon Institute & SFB F013 & University of Linz |
Martin Gander | University of Geneva |
Gundolf Haase | University of Graz |
Karl Kunisch | Johann Radon Institute & University of Graz |
Ulrich Langer (Chair) | Johann Radon Institute & SFB F013 & University of Linz |
Ewald Lindner | SFB F013 & University of Linz |
Markus Melenk | Vienna University of Technology |
Joachim Schöberl | RWTH & Johann Radon Institute & SFB F013 |
Olaf Steinbach | Graz University of Technology |
Christoph Überhuber | Vienna University of Technology |
Walter Zulehner | University of Linz |
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