Minisymposia | M01 | M02 | M03 | M04 | M05 | M06 | M07 | M08 | M09 | M10 |
The following Minisymposia are accepted:
M01 |
Advanced Multigrid Methods for systems of PDEs Organizers: Panayot Vassilevski, Ludmil Zikatanov |
Mon, Tue | Room: S2 |
M02 |
Domain Decomposition Based on Boundary Elements Organizers: Olaf Steinbach, Wolfgang Wendland |
Thu | Room: S2 |
M03 |
Domain Decomposition in coupled engineering phenomena with multiple scales Organizers: Richard Ewing, Oleg Iliev, Raytcho Lazarov |
Tue, Thu | Room: B1 |
M04 |
Domain decomposition methods motivated by the physics of the underlying problem Organizers: Martin Gander, Laurence Halpern |
Tue | Room: B2 |
M05 |
FETI, balancing, and related hybrid domain decomposition methods Organizers: Barbara Wohlmuth, Olof Widlund, Axel Klawonn |
Mon, Tue, Thu | Room: S1 |
M06 |
Multiphysics Problems Organizers: Ronald Hoppe, Ralf Kornhuber |
Mon, Tue | Room: Buerglsaal |
M07 |
Optimized Schwarz methods: Promises and Challenges Organizer: Lahcen Laayouni |
Thu | Room: B2 |
M08 |
Robust methods for multiscale PDE problems Organizers: Ivan Graham, Rob Scheichl |
Mon | Room: B1 |
M09 |
Subspace Correction Methods Organizers: Ralf Hiptmair, Ralf Kornhuber, Jinchao Xu |
Thu | Room: Buerglsaal |
M10 |
Time Domain Decomposition Methods for Evolution Problems Organizer: Martin Gander |
Mon | Room: B2 |
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