DD17 Strobl
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods in St. Wolfgang/Strobl, Austria

Hardcopy of these proceedings

The printed version will be published by Springer in December 2007:
Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XVII
Series: Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Vol. 60
U. Langer, M. Discacciati, D.E. Keyes, O.B. Widlund, W. Zulehner (Eds.)
2008, Approx. 655 p., Softcover
ISBN: 978-3-540-75198-4

Bibtex entries:

Participants of DD17 will receive their hardcopy by ordinary mail.

Cover Hardcopy

Download contributions selected from the following list

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Preface (pdf)


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M01: Advanced Mutligrid Methods for Systems of PDEs (pdf)
Organizers: P.S. Vassilevski, L.T. Zikatanov
M02: Domain Decomposition Based on Boundary Elements (pdf)
Organizers: O. Steinbach, W. Wendland
M03: Domain Decomposition in Coupled Engineering Phenomena with Multiple Scales (pdf)
Organizers: R. Ewing, O. Iliev, R.D. Lazarov
M04: Domain Decomposition Methods Motivated by the Physics of the Underlying Problem (pdf)
Organizers: M.J. Gander, L. Halpern
M05: FETI, Balancing, and Related Hybrid Domain Decomposition Methods (pdf)
Organizers: A. Klawonn, O.B. Widlund, B. Wohlmuth
M06: Multiphysics Problems (pdf)
Organizers: R.H.W. Hoppe, R. Kornhuber
M07: Optimized Schwarz Methods: Promises and Challanges (pdf)
Organizer: L. Laayouni
M08: Robust Methods for Multiscale PDE Problems (pdf)
Organizers: I.G. Graham, R. Scheichl
M09: Subspace Correction Methods (pdf)
Organizers: R. Hiptmair, R. Kornhuber, J. Xu
M10: Time Domain Decomposition Methods for Evolution Problems (pdf)
Organizer: M.J. Gander
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