Scientific Committee
Member | Affiliation |
Petter Bjørstad | University of Bergen |
Roland Glowinski | University of Houston |
Ronald Hoppe | University of Augsburg |
Hideo Kawarada | Ryutsu Keizai University |
David Keyes (Chair) | Columbia University |
Ralf Kornhuber | Free University of Berlin |
Yuri Kuznetsov | University of Houston |
Ulrich Langer | University of Linz |
Jacques Periaux | CIMNE/UPC Barcelona |
Olivier Pironneau | University Pierre et Marie Curie & INRIA |
Alfio Quarteroni | Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne |
Zhong-Ci Shi | Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Olof Widlund | New York University |
Jinchao Xu | Penn State University |
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