DD17 Strobl

The conference takes place at the St. Wolfgang Federal Institute for Adult Education (BIfEB - Bundesinstitut für Erwachsenenbildung) located right next to the shores of the Wolfgangsee lake close to the picturesque town of Strobl in the heart of the Austrian Alps.

Despite the fact that the institute belongs to St. Wolfgang it is closer to Strobl (where signs will be leading you to the Bundesinstitut für Erwachsenenbildung).

Erwachsenenbildungshaus BIfEB St. Wolfgang
Bürglstein 1-7
A-5350 Strobl, Austria

eMail: office@bifeb.at
Phone: +43 / (0)6137 / 6621-0
Fax: +43 / (0)6137 / 6621-116

How to get to Strobl

Major routes to Strobl

Local map of Strobl

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