Research Institutions
- Radon Institute of Computational and Applied Mathematics (RICAM)
- Johannes Kepler University
- Industrial Mathematics Institute
- Institute of Computational Mathematics
- Research Institute for Symbolic Computation(RISC)
- Start Project HPFEM
- Special Research Programm F013 (SFB F013)
Touristic Sites
- Linz Tourism (Touristic information about the city Linz)
- Tiscover (Touristic information about Linz)
- Tiscover (Touristic information about Austria)
- Arcotel
- Hotel Sommerhaus (Julius-Raab-Heim)
- Gasthof Lüftner
- Hotel Haselgraben
- Bildungszentrum St.Magdalena
- Airport Linz
- Airport Vienna
- Airport Salzburg
- Airport Munich (Germany)
- ÖBB(Austrian Railways)
- LinzAg (Bus and Tram, city Linz)
- Oberösterreichischer Verkehrsverbund(Bus connections)
- Map 24 (Route planner)
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