October 31-November 4, 2022
This workshop will be devoted to recent advances in scattering and inverse scattering problems. The topics include scattering for the Schrodinger equation, obstacle and metric scattering, etc. Of particular interests are the location of the quantum resonances (scattering poles) and their relation to geometry of the problem; also, energy decay estimates. Geometric scattering studies similar questions on non-compact manifolds. Inverse scattering tries to reconstruct a unknown shape or a metric, a potential, etc., from scattering measurements.
Another important topic will be transmission eigenvalues. They are frequencies at which we can have incoming signals which do not scatter. The need to understand them is also motivated by the fact that they also appear in certain reconstruction methods.
Scattering and inverse scattering appear naturally in quantum mechanics and sonar and radar imaging.
This page was last modified on 11/04/2022 - 11:22 CEST