Elizabeth Cherry (Georgia Tech): Data-informed approaches to simulations of cardiac electrical activity
Richard Clayton (University of Sheffield): Calibration of cardiac electrophysiology models from experimental and clinical data – progress and challenges
Martin Weiser (Zuse Institute Berlin): Adaptive multirate integration of cardiac electrophysiology in the EMI model
Poster presentations
Ester Bergantin (University of Trento): In silico validation of TAG-based coronary blood flow distribution methods for patient-specific computational iFR prediction
M. Angeles Martínez Carballo (University of Zaragoza): Dynamical analysis of early afterdepolarization patterns in a biophysically detailed cardiac model
Jesus Jairo Rodríguez Padilla (Inria, Sophia Antipolis): On the inducibility of ventricular tachycardia by means of different stimulation protocols: an electrophysiology simulation study
Jan Verhülsdonk (University of Bonn): Shape of my heart: Cardiac models through learned signed distance functions