Special Semester on Quantitative Biology analyzed by Mathematical Methods
Linz, October 1, 2007 - January 27, 2008
Optical Inversions in Photoacoustic Imaging

Workshop on Bioimaging I, Wed, 14 Nov, 2007

Speaker: Ben Cox


A photoacoustic image is an image of the absorbed optical energy density
arising from the absorption of a laser pulse, and is not directly related to
tissue composition or morphology. However, the optical properties of the
tissue, particularly absorption coefficient, are directly related to the
underlying tissue physiology, and so a technique which can extract them from
PAT images would greatly extend its usefulness in the clinic and the
laboratory. Simulations of inversions for the absorption and scattering
coefficients from single wavelength PAT images will be presented. The
inherent absorption/scattering non-uniqueness in the single-wavelength case
will be discussed, and a multi-wavelength approach to overcome this
ill-posedness will be described.

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