Special Semester on Quantitative Biology analyzed by Mathematical Methods
Linz, October 1, 2007 - January 27, 2008
Transition states in protein folding and function

Workshop on Ion Channels, Mon, 08 Oct, 2007

Speaker: Thomas Weikl


Conformational transitions of proteins are often apparent two-state processes. Examples are the folding and unfolding of small single-domain proteins, or the opening and closing of ion channels. The dynamics of two-state processes is thought to be governed by a transition-state barrier between the two states. Transition states are short-lived and cannot be observed directly in experiments. However, a mutational analysis of the two-state dynamics can provide indirect access. In a mutational analysis, experimentalists measure the effect of point mutations on the folding and unfolding rates of small proteins, or the opening and closing rates of ion channels. In my talk, I will present models that help to reconstruct transition states from mutational data.

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