Special Semester on Quantitative Biology analyzed by Mathematical Methods
Linz, October 1, 2007 - January 27, 2008
Medical imaging by elastography.

Workshop on Bioimaging I, Mon, 12 Nov, 2007

Speaker: Mohamed Masmoudi


Elastography consists in observing tissues in motion using high resolution standard medical imaging modalities. The basic idea is to estimate the displacement and to provide mechanical information about the tissues. This displacement field is called elastogram.

The construction of medical images (IRM, echography…) is based on data (physical measurements) and models (Radon, Fourier, wave equation…) coupling. Using the same set of data and additional mechanical models, the goal of elastography is to provide additional information about the tissues.

The motion can be:
- Internal motion like heart, arteries…
- External quasi-static load for breast, prostate…
- External dynamic impulsion for liver
- Internal dynamic impulsion, generated by radiating forces obtained by ultrasound focalization
The last approach recalls the emerging thermo acoustic approaches where the impulsion is distributed in space.

For dynamic impulsions, it is possible to retrieve the elasticity module from the velocity of the shear wave.

We will present some techniques for elasticity coefficient estimation at each point of the tissue. Then we show that this step is very sensitive to the quality of the elastogram. The classical way for elastogram construction is based on digital signal processing. A new accurate and fast method, based on variational approaches, will be presented.

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