Special Semester on Quantitative Biology analyzed by Mathematical Methods
Linz, October 1, 2007 - January 27, 2008
Integrated Ultrasound, Elasticity, and Photoacoustic Imaging

Workshop on Bioimaging I, Tue, 13 Nov, 2007

Speaker: Stanislav Emelianov


The noninvasive and quantitative visualization of morphological and physiological properties of tissue is a cherished dream in the fields of medicine and biology. Over the past years, we developed several imaging techniques capable of assessment and visualization of both structural and functional properties of living tissues. These techniques are based on the fusion of the complementary imaging modalities such as ultrasound, elasticity and photoacoustic imaging. Furthermore, an integrated imaging system takes full advantage of the many synergistic features of these imaging modalities.
To demonstrate basic principles of our approach, numerical and experimental studies were performed using heterogeneous phantoms where ultrasonic, optical and viscoelastic properties of the materials were chosen to closely mimic soft tissue. The advantages and limitations of each imaging system will be highlighted, and the potential of the integrated imaging will be discussed. We will then overview engineering aspects of integrated imaging including hardware, signal and image processing algorithms, etc. Finally, we will conclude with the discussion of potential biomedical and clinical applications of the integrated ultrasound, elasticity and photoacoustic imaging including macroscopic and microscopic imaging of pathology, cardiovascular diseases, ophthalmology, tissue engineering, and cancer detection, diagnosis and therapy monitoring.

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