Workshop on Bioimaging II / PDEs, Mon, 19 Nov, 2007
Speaker: Robert Plemmons
Array imaging is an emerging paradigm where a specially designed array of lenslets is employed to capture an ensemble of images of a subject, enabling the collection of significantly more information than possible with conventional single-lens imaging systems. Thin form-factor and wide field of view are often important additional characteristics of an array imaging approach. The main thrust of integrated optical imaging systems has slowly but surely begun to shift toward systems that can maximize information content of images relative to a set of prescribed imaging tasks. While digital processing is an essential ingredient of this approach, it is distinguished from conventional systems in its being tightly coupled with the optical component of the system.
An integrated array imaging system, dubbed PERIODIC, is presented which is capable of exploiting diversities including sub-pixel displacement, phase, polarization, neutral density, and wavelength, to produce high definition images. The optical hardware system and software interface are described, and sample results for bioimaging applications are shown.
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