Special Semester on Quantitative Biology analyzed by Mathematical Methods
Linz, October 1, 2007 - January 27, 2008
Structure–Function Relationships in Biological Network Models

Workshop on Systems Biology, Wed, 07 Nov, 2007

Speaker: Bruce Tidor


Biological networks carry out a wide variety of detailed signal transduction activities that result from the combination of the topology of their processes and the rates of those processes. Models have the ability not only to simulate observed behavior and make predictions regarding behavior under new circumstances, but also to lend insight into how features of biological mechanism encode network behavior. A variety of mathematical approaches can be used as tools to explore the relationship between network structure and function, including local and non-local sensitivity analysis, as well as optimization. Here the properties of biological network components will be explored from this perspective, with examples chosen from simple biological systems, including cascades of reversible enzymatic reactions, as occur in MAP kinase cascades.

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