Special Semester on Quantitative Biology analyzed by Mathematical Methods
Linz, October 1, 2007 - January 27, 2008
MR Image Reconstruction from Sparse Radial Samples by Using the Iterative Refinement Procedure

Workshop on Bioimaging II / PDEs, Mon, 19 Nov, 2007

Speaker: Lin He


Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) reconstruction from sparsely sampled data has been a difficult problem in medical imaging field. We approach this problem by formulating a cost functional that includes a constraint term that is imposed by the raw measurement data in k-space and the L1 norm of a sparse representation of the reconstructed image. The sparse representation is usually realized by total variational regularization and/or wavelet transform. We have applied the Bregman iteration to minimize this functional to recover finer scales in our recent work. Here we propose nonlinear inverse scale space methods in addition to the iterative refinement procedure.
Numerical results from the two methods are presented and it shows that the nonlinear inverse scale space method is a more efficient algorithm than the iterated refinement method.

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