Intermediate Meeting
PhD students and Postdocs supported by the Special Semester
- Bauer Frank, University of Göttingen, Germany (5.Oct - 18.Nov), slides (pdf)
- Börm Steffen, Max-Planck-Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Germany (4.Oct - 25.Nov)
- Elleithy Wael, Higher Institute of Civil and architectural ingeneering, Kairo, Egypt (17.Oct - 18.Dec), slides (pdf)
- Gaevskaya Alexandra, University of Augsburg, Germany (1.Nov - 14.Nov)
- Georgiev Ivan, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria (2.Oct - 16.Dec), slides (pdf)
- Grasedyck Lars, Max-Planck-Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Germany (4.Oct - 25.Nov)
- Havu Ville, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland (1.Oct - 9.Dec), slides (pdf)
- Kern Daniela, Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics, Germany (2.Oct - 5.Nov)
- Lahmer Tom, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany (2.Oct - 15.Dec), slides (pdf, > 2 MB)
- Leibfritz Friedemann, University of Trier, Germany (1.Oct - 28.Oct)
- Liebmann Manfred, University of Graz, Austria (1.Oct - 31.Dec), slides (pdf)
- Maruhn Jan, University of Trier, Germany (1.Oct - 17.Dec), slides (pdf, > 5 MB)
- Matuszyk Pawel Jerzy, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland (1.Oct - 17.Dec)
- Nassiopoulos Alexandre, Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussées, France (14.Oct - 26.Nov), slides (pdf)
- Naumovich Anna, Fraunhofer-Institute for Industrial Mathematics, Germany (3.Oct - 19.Nov)
- Of Günter, University of Stuttgart, Germany (2.Oct - 17.Dec), slides (pdf, 1.9 MB)
- Pereverzyev Sergiy, Fraunhofer-Institute for Industrial Mathematics, Germany (30.Sep - 16.Dec), slides (pdf)
- Pyo Hyun Chan, Kyung Hee University, Republic of Korea (30.Sep - 17.Dec)
- Rosasco Lorenzo, University of Genova, Italy (16.Oct - 12.Nov)
- Rott Oliver, Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics, Germany (2.Oct - 5.Nov)
- Takahashi Takéo, Institut Élie Cartan de Nancy, France (17.Oct - 17.Nov)
- Teichmann Emanuel, Fraunhofer-Institute for Industrial Mathematics, Germany (1.Oct - 17.Dec), slides (pdf)
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