Special Radon Semester on Computational Mechanics
Linz, October-December 2005
"H-matrix techniques" organized by Wolfgang Hackbusch

Lecture notes for "H-matrix techniques" can be found on the homepage of the Max-Planck-Institute Leipzig:

  1. Hierarchical Matrices (english): http://www.mis.mpg.de/preprints/ln/lecturenote-2103-abstr.html
  2. Hierarchische Matrizen - Algorithmen und Analysis (german): http://www.mis.mpg.de/scicomp/Fulltext/hmvorlesung.ps

Lecture Series I held by Wolfgang Hackbusch

Tutorial Series I held by Steffen Boerm and Lars Grasedyck

Lecture Series II held by Wolfgang Hackbusch

Tutorial Series II held by Steffen Boerm and Lars Grasedyck

Research Seminar held by Wolfgang Hackbusch

The program as PDF

URL: www.ricam.oeaw.ac.at/specsem/sscm/structure/lectures/hackbusch.php

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