Kick-off Meeting, October 3 - 4, 2005, Time: 9:00 - 18:00, Room: HF 9901
The long-term guests gave lectures introducing the participants into the topics and informing the people on the lectures, mini-workshops etc !
Monday, October 3, 2005
09:00 OpeningOfficial Opening
by Heinz Engl (Director of the RICAM)
Specific Information on the Special Semester
by Ulrich Langer (Chair of the Special Semester)
09:30 Raytcho Lazarov (Texas A&M University, USA):
Discontinuous Galerkin methods
10:30 Dietrich Braess (University of Bochum, Germany):
Non-standard mixed FE-techniques
11:30 - 13:00 Lunch Break
13:00 Barbara Kaltenbacher (University of Erlangen, Germany):
Inverse problems and model identification in mechanics
14:00 Sergey Nepomnyaschikh (Novosibirsk, Russia):
Domain Decomposition Preconditioning for Elliptic Problems with Jumps in Coefficients
15:00 - 15:30 Coffee Break
15:30 Wolfgang Hackbusch (MPI Leipzig, Germany):
H-matrix techniques
Tuesday, October 4, 2005
09:00 Svetozar Margenov (BAS, Bulgaria):
Robust parallel algebraic multigrid and multilevel techniques
10:00 Sergei Repin (Steklov Institute of Mathematics, Russia):
A posteriori estimates and adaptivity in solid mechanics
11:00 - 11:15 Coffee Break
11:15 Manfred Kaltenbacher (University of Erlangen, Germany):
Numerical simulation of coupled field problems
12:15 - 15:00 Lunch Break
15:00 Ekkehard Sachs (University of Trier, Germany):
Control and optimization problems in mechanics
16:00 Closing of the Kick-off Meeting by Ulrich Langer
16:30 Informal Get-Together on the RICAM floor
The Kick-off-Meeting Poster for downloading as jpg or pdf
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