Special Radon Semester on Computational Mechanics
Linz, October-December 2005
Abstract - Preconditioning for Anisotropic Problems by Mixed Finite Element Methods

Author: Sergey Nepomnyaschikh

Title of the contribution: Preconditioning for Anisotropic Problems by Mixed Finite Element Methods

We investigate certain preconditioning techniques for a domain decomposition method based on mixed finite element approximations of elliptic problems with anisotropic coefficients in domains. The trace theorem for anisotropic rectangles with anisotropic grids is the main tool in constructing and studying effective domain decomposition preconditioners. Numerical experiments verify the performance of the proposed domain decomposition algorithm.

URL: www.ricam.oeaw.ac.at/specsem/sscm/srs_ev/difcome/program/abstracts/abstract_nepomnyaschikh.php

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