Special Radon Semester on Computational Mechanics
Linz, October-December 2005

The following scientific publications have been completed or initiated during the special semester:

[1] S. Cho, S. V. Nepomnyaschikh, E. J. Park. Domain Decomposition Preconditioning for Elliptic Problems with Jumps in Coefficients.
RICAM-Report Nr. 2005-22, Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Linz, 2005.
[2] R.D. Lazarov, S. Lu, S.V. Pereverzyev. On the balancing principle for some problems of Numerical Analysis.
RICAM-Report Nr. 2005-25, Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Linz, 2005.
[3] S. Börm. Adaptive variable-rank approximation of general dense matrices.
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, Vol. 30, No. 1 (2007), pp. 148-168.
[4] F. Leibfritz, J.H. Maruhn. A Successive SDP-NSDP Approach to a Robust Optimization Problem in Finance.
RICAM-Report Nr. 2005-32, Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Linz, 2005.
[5] R. Lazarov, S. Margenov. CBS constants for multilevel splitting of graph-Laplacian and application to preconditioning of discontinuous Galerkin systems.
Journal of Complexity (to appear).
[6] I. Georgiev, J. Kraus, S. Margenov. Multilevel preconditioning of rotated bilinear non-conforming FEM problems.
Computers and Mathematics with Applications (to appear)
[7] B. Kaltenbacher, A. Neubauer. Convergence of projected iterative regularization methods for nonlinear problems with smooth solutions.
Inverse Problems 22 (2006), 1105-1119.
[8] B. Kaltenbacher. Regularization by truncated Cholesky factorization: A comparison of four different approaches.
Journal of Complexity (to appear)
RICAM-Report Nr. 2006-09, Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Linz, 2006.
[9] D. Braess, J. Schöberl. Equilibrated Residual Error Estimator for Maxwell's Equations.
RICAM-Report Nr. 2006-19, Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Linz, 2006.
[10] V. Korneev, A. Rytov. Fast domain decomposition algorithm for discretizations of 3-d elliptic equations by spectral elements.
RICAM-Report Nr. 2006-21, Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Linz, 2006.
[11] S. Margenov, J. Synka. Generalized aggregation-based multilevel preconditioning of Crouzeix-Raviart FEM elliptic problems.
T. Boyanov et al. (Eds.), LNCS 4310, pp. 91-99, 2007.
[12] S. Beuchler, D. Braess. Improvements for some condition number estimates for preconditioned system in p-FEM.
Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, Vol 13(7), pp. 573-588, Sep. 2006.
[13] S. Repin, J. Valdman. Functional a posteriori error estimates for problems with nonlinear boundary conditions.
RICAM-Report Nr. 2006-25, Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Linz, 2006.
[14] S. Beuchler, S.V. Nepomnyaschikh. Overlapping Additive Schwarz preconditioners for degenerated elliptic problems: Part I- isotropic problems.
RICAM-Report Nr. 2006-32, Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Linz, 2006.
[15] S. Beuchler, S.V. Nepomnyaschikh. Overlapping Additive Schwarz preconditioners for degenerated elliptic problems: Part II- locally anisotropic problems.
RICAM-Report Nr. 2006-33, Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Linz, 2006.
[16] J. Kraus, S. Tomar. Multilevel preconditioning of two-dimensional elliptic problems discretized by a class of discontinuous Galerkin methods.
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing (in Press).
[17] R. Lazarov, S. Repin, S. Tomar. Functional A Posteriori Error Estimates for Discontinuous Galerkin Approximations of Elliptic Problems.
RICAM-Report Nr. 2006-40, Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Linz, 2006.
[18] I. Georgiev, J. Kraus, S. Margenov. Two-level algorithms for Rannacher-Turek FEM.
Problems in Programming, Sc. J., 2-3 (2006), 694-700.
[19] I. Georgiev, J. Kraus, S. Margenov. Multilevel preconditioning of 2D Rannacher-Turek FE problems; additive and multiplicative methods.
T. Boyanov et al. (Eds.), LNCS 4310, pp. 56-64, 2007.
[20] J. Kraus, S. Margenov, J. Synka. On the multilevel preconditioning of Crouzeix-Raviart elliptic problems.
Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications (to appear). Published Online: 31 Aug 2007; DOI: 10.1002/nla.543
[21] J. Kraus, S. Tomar. A multilevel method for discontinuous Galerkin approximation of three-dimensional anisotropic elliptic problems.
Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications (to appear). Published Online: 16 Jul 2007; DOI: 10.1002/nla.544
[22] I. Georgiev, J. Kraus, S. Margenov, J. Schicho. Locally Optimized MIC(0) Preconditioning of Rannacher-Turek FEM Systems.
RICAM-Report Nr. 2007-32, Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Linz, 2007.

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