Organized by RICAM (Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics)
in close cooperation with RISC (Research Institute for Symbolic Computation).
Directed by Bruno Buchberger (RISC and RICAM) and Heinz Engl (RICAM).

Workshop B1: Approximate Commutative Algebra

Date: February 20 - February 24
Chairman: Lorenzo Robbiano

Monday, February 20th
09.30-10.00B. BuchbergerKick-Off: Salutatory
10.00-11.00H.J. StetterApproximate Commutative Algebra: an impossible concept?
11.30-12.30R.M. CorlessPolynomial Algebra by Values
15.00-16.00M. Kreuzer, L. RobbianoSome Thoughts about Border Bases
16.30-18.00J. Abbott, A. BigattiIntroduction to CoCoA, and tutorial cocoa

Tuesday, February 21st
10.00-11.00H.M. MoellerStable GCD computation
11.30-12.30L. ZhiApproximate GCDs of several polynomials with linearly constrained coefficients and singular polynomials
14.30-15.00A. ZapletalThe Groebner Bases Bibliography
15.00-16.00J. SchichoSingularity Analysis for Algebraic Curves with Approximate Coefficients maple gif gif gif gif
16.30-17.30Z. ZengIll-posed Computational Algebra with Approximate Data ppt
17.30-18.15M. DumnickiFrom Surfaces to Interpolation

Wednesday, February 22nd
10.00-11.00D. Heldt, S. Pokutta, and H. PoulisseAlgebraic Computations on Noisy, Measured Data zip(pdf)
11.30-12.30J. AbbottApproximate Buchberger-Moeller Algorithm in CoCoA
14.30-16.00J. AbbottCoCoA Tutorial
17.00Shuttle Bus to Hagenberg
17.30-17.40B. BuchbergerShort Introduction to RISC and Softwarepark Hagenberg
17.40-18.45A. SommeseAdaptive multiprecision and numerical algebraic geometry
19.00Buffet Dinner

Thursday, February 23rd
10.00-11.00Daniel BatesBertini: a new software package for computations in numerical algebraic geometry ppt
11.30-12.30Christopher PetersonPure Applications of Approximate Commutative Algebra
14.30-15.30Oliver LabsSurf and surfaces
16.00-17.00Tomas SauerH-bases and approximate varieties
17.15-18.00Carlo TraversoComputing Groebner bases numerically: how and why
Discussion of problems in approximate commutative algebra

Friday, February 24th
10.00-11.00Erich KaltofenApproximate Polynomial Factorization: My Lessons Learned txt
15.00-18.00Possibly free
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