December 9-11, 2019
Mirjam Dür (University of Augsburg)
Conic optimization studies optimization problems where the decision variable is required to lie in some closed convex cone. Well studied cones are the nonnegative orthant (which leads to linear programs, LPs), the second order cone (which leads to second order cone problems, SOCPs), and the cone of positive semidefinite matrices (which leads to semidefinite problems, SDPs). Another cone of interest is the cone of copositive matrices which leads to so called copositive optimization problems. These appear as convex relaxations or reformulations of various nonconvex quadratic and combinatorial problems, but also in polynomial optimization. The workshop will cover a broad variety of aspects related to this class of conic optimization problems.
Andrey Afonin (MIPT)
Paula Amaral (FCT and CMA, University Nova de Lisboa)
Duleabom An (Production and Logistics Management, JKU)
Miguel Anjos ( University of Edinburgh)
Behzad Azmi (Austrian Academy of Sciences)
Immanuel Bomze (Universität Wien)
Mirjam Dür (University of Augsburg)
Gabriele Eichfelder (TU Ilmenau)
João Gouveia (University of Coimbra)
Muddappa Gowda (University of Maryland, Baltimore County)
Patrick Groetzner (University of Augsburg)
Nicolò Gusmeroli (TU Dortmund)
Christoph Helmberg (Technische Universität Chemnitz)
Roland Hildebrand (Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann / CNRS)
Stefan Krupp (University of Cologne)
Felix Lieder (Heinrich-Heine Universität Düsseldorf)
Bruno Lourenco (University of Tokyo)
Hannes Meinlschmidt (RICAM)
Jose Neto (Télécom SudParis)
Dang-Khoa Nguyen (University of Vienna)
Gabor Pataki (UNC Chapel Hill)
Max Pfeffer (Max Planck Institute MiS, Leipzig)
Franz Rendl (Klagenfurt University)
Sergio Rodrigues (RICAM)
Ekkehard Sachs (Universität Trier)
Jose Alejandro Samper Casas (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences)
Markus Sinnl (JKU Linz)
Renata Sotirov (Tilburg Univeristy)
Stefan Takacs (RICAM)
Tamás Terlaky (Lehigh University)
Fabien Tricoire (JKU Linz)
Frank Vallentin (University of Cologne)
Juan Vera (Tilburg University)
Daniel Walter (RICAM)
Angelika Wiegele (Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt)
Emre Alper Yildirim (University of Edinburgh)
Jeffrey Zhang (Princeton University)
Marc Christian Zimmermann (Universität zu Köln)
Luis Zuluaga (Lehigh University)
This page was last modified on 12/09/2019 - 10:19 CEST