The program consists of a series of invited lectures that form the backbone of the workshop; in addition there are invited contributions by some of the participants of the Semester.
Hansjörg Albrecher, University of Linz & RICAM, Austria
Karl Kunisch, University of Graz & RICAM, Austria
Hanna Pikkarainen, RICAM, Austria
Wolfgang Runggaldier, University of Padova, Italy
Walter Schachermayer, TU Vienna & RICAM, Austria
Elisa Alòs, Spain
Mariko Arisawa, Austria
Corina Constantinescu, Austria
Christa Cuchiero, Austria
Stefan Gerhold, Austria
Verena Goldammer, Austria
Zorana Grbac, Germany
Markus Hahn, Austria
Erika Hausenblas, Austria
Friedrich Hubalek, Austria
Piotr Jaworski, Poland
Martin Keller-Ressel, Austria
Dominik Kortschak, Austria
Johannes Leitner, Austria
Ronnie Loeffen, Austria
Philipp Mayer, Austria
Antonis Papapantoleon, Austria
Irina Penner, Germany
Uwe Schmock, Austria
Carlo Sgarra, Italy
Stefan Thonhauser, Austria
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