"Impact of Smoothness on Regularization"
In this workshop, we aim at presenting recent progress in regularization theory for linear and nonlinear ill-posed
problems formulated in Hilbert and Banach spaces. Often, in particular if convergence rates of regularized solutions
are under consideration, this progress is closely connected with a new and deeper insight into the role of smoothness
in regularization.
Here smoothness means both solution smoothness, frequently associated with source conditions,
and the smoothing properties of the forward operator. From current research we can extract new powerful tools like
variational inequalities for expressing the complex interplay of the occurring varieties of smoothness and to clarify
the factors influencing the quality of regularized solutions. We want to encourage discussions between researchers
with focus on the numerical analysis of ill-posed problems and colleagues that meet regularization when they try to
overcome the ill-posedness phenomena of a concrete applied inverse problem.
Bernd Hofmann (Chair), Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany
Sergei Pereverzyev, Johann Radon Institute, Austria
The workshop takes place at the Johann Radon Institute, Hochschulfondsgebäude, Room: HF 136, June 29-July 2, 2010.
List of Invited Speakers
Book of Abstracts: ws1_boa.pdf