RICAM-Workshop on
Finite Fields and Their Applications: Character Sums and Polynomials
to be held at the
St. Wolfgang Federal Institute for Adult Education (BIfEB - Bundesinstitut für Erwachsenenbildung)
September 2nd-September 7th, 2012
The topic of the conference is the theory of finite fields. Finite fields play important roles in many application areas such as coding theory, cryptography, design theory, quasi-Monte Carlo methods, pseudorandom number generation, computational algebra, and wireless communication, to name just a few. In our workshop, we will focus (but don't restrict ourselves) on sequences, character sums and polynomials over finite fields in view of the above mentioned application areas.
The goal of the workshop is to stimulate research in sequences as well as polynomials under the unified framework of character theory which shall motivate new research directions in computational and applied mathematics.
- Pascale Charpin, INRIA-Rocquencourt
- Harald Niederreiter, Austrian Academy of Sciences
- Gary Mullen, Pennsylvania State University
- Daniel Panario, Carleton University Ottawa
- Alexander Pott, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg
- Arne Winterhof (Chair), Austrian Academy of Sciences