
Conference Proceedings and Journal Publication at SCEE 2016

All authors of accepted abstracts who have properly registered for the SCEE 2016 are encouraged to submit a full paper to SCEE 2016.

  • Conference proceedings will be published in the Springer Series "Mathematics in Industry" after a peer-review process.
  • Authors of excellent proceedings publications will be invited to submit an extended version for a special issue of the Springer journal "Mathematics in Industry". The publication fee will be covered by the organizers of the conference.

Submission of Full Papers for the SCEE 2016 Proceedings

Extended deadline for full paper submission: Monday, October 24, 2016.

The full paper should describe original scientific work. Although the full paper is expected to be an extension of the abstract, it can also contain new research and results not presented in the abstract. The maximum length is 8 pages for contributed papers and 12 pages for invited papers. The page limit includes everything (also references). Full papers exceeding the maximum length will not be accepted.

All full papers, whether being presented as an invited talk, oral talk, or poster, will be treated equally in the review process.

Typesetting the Full Paper

The full paper must be typeset with LaTeX using the class file svmult.cls by Springer provided below (one-column style).

You may use any program to draw figures, but save your figures as Encapsulated Postscript (EPS) files. If you include color pictures, please make sure that a black and white version is available as well, since the book may be published in black and white only. Then, include these EPS figures into your full paper. To generate your bibliography, you may either use LaTeX directly or use BibTeX.

Files to be downloaded:

You will find below an example template and other necessary files required to generate an example full paper. You may download the required files individually by clicking each file name below:

Alternatively, you can download here a zip archive containing all above files.

File-naming convention:

Your full paper source and pdf files should be named such that your surname is included.

Please send your pdf-file (using our style file) along with all files you need to create the pdf-file to