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M08   Robust methods for multiscale PDE problems



This minisymposium will focus on recent developments in analysis and implementation of preconditioners for elliptic problems with highly variable multiscale coefficients, including cases where the coefficient variation cannot be effectively resolved by a practical coarser mesh. Many examples arise, for example in deterministic and stochastic models in hydrogeology, and in oil reservoir modelling. Standard coarsening techniques based on polynomial interpolation do not work well for such problems and in this minisymposium we will focus on recently proposed better techniques, such as multiscale finite element coarsening, optimised interface preconditioners, deflation, and algebraic approaches which are designed to accommodate coefficient behaviour.

List of speakers

Mon, 3 July, Room: B1
Chair: Robert Scheichl

M08-1 16:00-16:25 Luc Giraud:
Robust algebraic two-level preconditioner for non-overlapping methods
M08-2 16:30-16:55 Karl Scherer:
Robust Norm Equivalencies and Optimal Preconditioners
M08-3 17:00-17:25 Ivan Graham:
Domain decomposition for multiscale PDEs
M08-4 17:30-17:55 Robert Scheichl:
Robust aggregation-based coarsening for multiscale PDEs
M08-5 18:00-18:25 Nicolas Neuss:
Multiscale simulation of diffusion and absorption in chloroplasts

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