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M03   Domain Decomposition in coupled engineering phenomena with multiple scales



The intent of the minisymposium is to discuss the state of the art and the perspectives in approximation and solution strategies related to Domain Decomposition methods for coupled phenomena in physics and engineering that involve multiple models and/or multiple space and time scales. All invited speakers are experts in domain decomposition, numerical methods for coupling various complex physical phenomena, multi-scale methods, and engineering application.

List of speakers

Tue, 4 July, Room: B1
Chair: Ivan Graham

M03-1 16:00-16:25 Richard Ewing:
Domain Decomposition Techniques for Treating Multiscale Properties in Reservoir Engineering Applications
M03-2 16:30-16:55 Yalchin Efendiev:
An Adaptive Multiscale Method for Simulation of Fluid Flow in Heterogeneous Porous Media
M03-3 17:00-17:25 Petter Bjørstad:
On the relationship between domain decomposition preconditioners and the multiscale finite volume method
M03-4 17:30-17:55 Iryna Rybak:
On a Two-level Domain Decomposition Preconditioner for 3D Flow in Anisotropic Highly Heterogeneous Porous Media
M03-5 18:00-18:25 Oleg Iliev, R. Lazarov, J. Willems:
On a Two-level Domain Decomposition Preconditioner for 3D Stokes Flow in Highly Complicated Geometry

Thu, 6 July, Room: B1
Chair: Raytcho Lazarov

M03-6 16:00-16:25 Heiko Andrä:
Application of Domain Decomposition Methods in Micromechanics
M03-7 16:30-16:55 Blanca Ayuso:
Class of Preconditioners for Discontinuous Galerkin Approximations of Elliptic Problems
M03-8 17:00-17:25 Jay Gopalakrishnan:
A hybridization approach to coupling methods.

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