The field of Inverse Problems is meanwhile well established within the applied sciences, today's advances in hardware and algorithms allow to address complex real-world problems of inverse nature. They arise from pressing questions in - among others - medical and industrial applications as well as life and earth sciences.
The series of AIP Conferences aims to provide a primary international forum for researchers working on diverse aspects of applied inverse problems - ranging from mathematical modelling via functional analytic theories and methods towards computational approaches. Each conference presents invited talks by international experts as well as a sequence of minisymposia on topics of current interest. The venues are chosen to encourage a strong interaction between the participants.
The AIP conference is held every two years at alternating locations, hosting places so far have been Montecatini (2001), Lake Arrowhead, California (2003), Cirencester, UK Cotswold region (2005) and Vancouver (2007). The fifth conference will take place in Vienna from July 20th to 24th in 2009.
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